High Dynamic Turning

Utilize the full potential of your turning machines - with FreeTurn tools from CERATIZIT

Whether longitudinal or face turning, roughing or finishing - with the High Dynamic Tunring technology and the FreeTurn tools from CERATIZIT you benefit from undreamt-of possibilities in turning operations. And by the way you also reduce your tooling costs, set-up, main and non-productive times.

Fully integrated in the turning technology of the EXAPTcam system, you activate the High Dynamic Turning technology simply by mouse click. Quickly set the start and end angles on your contours and the EXAPT system automatically interpolates the toolpaths for you. The result: Highly complex machine movements are calculated automatically by the system and you benefit from the enormous savings potential.

High Dynamic Turning is available for you from version 7.3 in the turning technology of the EXAPTcam system. For the required digital tool package and small necessary adjustments to your postprocessor, it is best to contact us directly.

High Dynamic Turning from CERATIZIT

High Dynamic Turning with EXAPT

Your CNC machine can turn, mill and grind!

Then we are exactly the right partner for you. Talk to us!

Tobias Hermanns-Krott
Tobias Hermanns-Krott
Ricardo Letzian
Ricardo Letzian